While we recommend using AllStar if you can, The Canada Hub is also available via IRLP and Echolink and many PC/Mac/phone clients. There are many repeaters with one or more of these networks available. You can search for them using the Repeaterbook app or visit the website at https://www.repeaterbook.com/. You can also search the AllStar database at https://www.allstarlink.org/nodelist/ or the IRLP database at http://status.irlp.net/index.php?PSTART=3

For more info on PC/Mac and mobile phone clients, and UHF micro-nodes you can setup easily and inexpensively at your QTH see the “Useful Links” menu above.

How to connect to The Canada Hub:

AllStar:  There are currently three nodes which are inter-connected to create The Canada Hub. They serve to provide redundancy in case of internet issues, but also help load balance the network. You can connect to any of them, but we recommend the following.

Node 517300 – Hub 1 East – Recommended for people in Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes.

Node 517301 – Hub 2 West – Recommended for people in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, BC, and the Territories.

If you are from outside Canada you are very welcome to connect to us and stay connected. Please use whichever of the above nodes you like.

Node 517302 – Hub 3 – PCs/Phones – For those using laptop or phone clients. This is also the node that connects Echolink to the network. For iaxrpt (for Windows PCs), Transceive (for Macs), Zopier, DV Switch, DroidStar or other clients, please contact Adrian by email (ve7nz at rac dot ca) and he will send you the info for accessing node 517302. 

To connect from another AllStar node, simply *3 then the node number. For example, to connect to The Canada Hub East, you would dial: *3517300.  To disconnect you dial *1 then the node number, so *1517300. You can also use *10 which disconnects the last node that was connected. If you are familiar with the concept of permanent links and want to use that, please feel free to do so.

IRLP: From an IRLP capable repeater, simply dial 9029 to connect and 73 to disconnect (assuming no special access code has been implemented on the repeater).

HamShack Hotline: Dial extension 94069. Use *99 to transmit, # to unkey.

EchoLink: connect to node 590387 or search for VE7NZ-L on the phone or laptop client.

DMR: connect to Brandmiester Talk Group 30217 (coming soon)

Note that some repeater/node operators have changed the default codes, so if the above do not work, consult your local repeater owner and ask them what they require you to dial before the node numbers.

Once connected, take a moment to listen to make sure there isn’t a QSO in progress. To talk on the network we recommend transmitting for one second before speaking (to allow the repeaters in the network to key up and start transmitting) and please wait 2 to 3 seconds between transmissions to give time for others to join in the conversation or in case there is any emergency traffic.

Most importantly: Transmit. Warm up the airwaves. Let other hams know you are there. Start a QSO. Make new friends. NEVER WORRY THAT YOU ARE “TYING UP THE SYSTEM” – IT’S THERE TO BE USED. Plus, if you don’t transmit, you may qualify for the new QRT License.